Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mmmmm.... green peas!

Gabriel tried green peas for the first time Monday night. Of everything he has tried so far, green peas went down the fastest. Here's a photo of Gabriel enjoying his peas for a second night in a row.
I learned today that Gabriel can go to The Learning Center full-time starting 7/6/09. He has the permanent Monday/Friday part-time slot, but then another child that takes Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday on a drop in basis doesn't need the care between 7/7/09 and 8/7/09. So we were offered those days. What a relief. Now Michael and I need to cover the week of June 29th (July 4th holiday week) and then we don't have to worry about coverage again until August. We will have to wait to see what will be available for the rest of August and September. I am feeling less panicked now about day care coverage.
Michael, Gabriel and I go for our family visit and orientation next Monday morning at The Learning Center.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Peas!! I have a great picture of Shae eating prunes at this age - it's always been one of my favorites. Gabriel is just precious, Sarah, love the pic! - Karen