Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fried Green Tomatoes?

On one of my trips to see my parents in May, I was given one of my Dad's home grown tomato plants. The last few summers, I have grown a cherry tomato plant in a huge pot on the back deck. This year, I took one of Dad's tomato plants instead for a change of pace. And good thing since the whole salmonella scare has cropped up since I planted the tomato plant. Dad started the plants from seed in his little movable green house in early spring. The plant I brought home was already taller and healthier looking than any that were for sale at the local NH nurseries about the time I planted it. The whole plant has taken over the corner of my deck. I wish I had caged it before it got too big to do so. I am going to have to tack it to the deck so the weight of itself doesn't break off any more branches. There are huge fruit already on the vines. Here are two green tomatoes that get bigger before my eyes every day. These two 'maters fill my palm right now. Dad has advised to let them vine ripen, or at least start turning red on the vine. I am getting a hankering for fried green tomatoes, so maybe these two big ones won't make it to red. Mmmmm.... Now of course, I heard this morning on Good Morning America that they now suspect the salmonella may be coming from cilantro or jalapeno peppers. I didn't grow hot peppers this summer, but I do have a sprig of cilantro growing since it is my favorite herb.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what they taste like, but I did love the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" -Alyssa

Sarah said...

I plucked one tomato off the vine last weekend, and it is just starting to turn yellow. Otherwise, lots of green tomatoes on the bush but none that are starting to turn red yet. I did buy Planko whole wheat bread crunbs at the coop this afternoon to use to fry up some green breaded tomatoes.