There was a knitting theme to the birthday presents from Mom and Dad. How wonderful is that!? I got a new sheep from Mr. Twitter's purple shop in Rutland, Vermont. Lucas and Elleigh absolutely love the sheep too, so it must live up on a high shelf. I am officially a sheep collector now since it takes at least two to make a collection and now this is my second sheep on the book shelf.
I also got a Knit Picks gift certificate to order more yarn. I got the new Harmony cable needles from Knit Picks. The wood is so pretty and I can't wait to use them on my reversible cable scarf project. And I got the Knit Picks chart keeper to help keep me on track with my next Fair Isle knitting project. And a bottle of Vermont pear wine from the North River Winery to keep me relaxed during the tougher knitting projects. (Also good for wedding planning.)
I'm going to have a very happily knitted birthday! Thanks Mom and Dad!
Hi Sarah, Long time no see/talk!
Happy Birthday!!! (p.s. thanks for my card).
I hope you have a great day, and a Happy New Year!
See you next Sunday, hopefully!
Belated birthday greetings!
Great gifts - love that sheep - he is ewe so bootiful!
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